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We’re dedicated to helping every student that has sat in their high school math class and asked:
“When will I ever use this?”

Featured Math Tidbit

Classic Math Puzzle

“A number puzzle originating in the work of self-taught maths genius Srinivasa Ramanujan nearly a century ago has been solved. The solution may one day lead to advances in particle physics and computer security.” Read full article:

Featured Career


Chemists study the composition of matter and its properties such as density, acidity, size and shape. They carefully describe the properties they study in terms of quantities, with detail on the level of molecules and their component atoms. Chemists use this knowledge to learn the composition, and properties of unfamiliar substances, as well as to […]

Featured Blog Post

Math in Photography

How does Math relate to beauty, art, and fashion? Jessica Wynne, a professor at the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York explored the beauty of math in her most recent project. She took creative photos of chalkboards that were labeled “Do Not Erase.” The results prove that beauty can be found in the most […]