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We’re dedicated to helping every student that has sat in their high school math class and asked:
“When will I ever use this?”

Featured Math Tidbit

Danica McKellar

Actress Danica McKellar (Winnie Cooper from The Wonder Years) was a math major. She now advocates math education through bestsellers like Math Doesn’t Suck, and Kiss My Math. She is an inspiration to aspiring young women. Image Credits:

Featured Career


DAVID ANDRIST Actuary The Hartford Insurance Company BS Math BYU “I am a casualty actuary at The Hartford Insurance Company. Casualty actuaries deal with catastrophic or unnatural risks that can occur to people or property. Actuaries use skills in mathematics, economics, finance, probability and statistics, and business to assess the risk of certain events occurring.” “While I […]

Featured Blog Post

Math in Photography

How does Math relate to beauty, art, and fashion? Jessica Wynne, a professor at the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York explored the beauty of math in her most recent project. She took creative photos of chalkboards that were labeled “Do Not Erase.” The results prove that beauty can be found in the most […]