Pattern of an Odd Number

Pattern of an odd number
Putting an odd number of zeros between the following numbers below to form a new number, eleven is a factor of the new number.

How to test the claim
Let A be the front digit of those following numbers above.
Let B be the last digit of those following numbers above.
Add an odd number of zeros between A and B.
Eleven becomes the factor after adding an odd number of zeros beween
A and B.
If n=29 then A=2 and B=9
If n=38 then A=3 and B=8
If n=47 then A=4 and B=7
If n=56 then A=5 and B=6
If n=65 then A=6 and B=5
If n=74 then A=7 and B=4
If n=83 then A=8 and B=3
If n=92 then A=9 and B=2
Some pattern of odd zeros between A and B are listed below:
A0B -one zero between A and B
A000B-three zeros bettween A and B
A00000B-five zeros between A and B
A0000000B-seven zeros between A and B
A000000000B-nine zeros between A and B
A00000000000B- eleven zeros between A and B
Verify those arguments below:
If A0B is divided by eleven, the remainder is zero.
If A000B is divided by eleven, the remainder is zero.
If A00000B is divided by eleven, the remainder is zero.
If A0000000B is divided by eleven, the remainder is zero.
If A000000000B is divided by eleven, the remainder is zero.
If A00000000000B is divided by eleven, the remainder is zero.
Conceptual Ideas
A pattern of an odd number can be used to identify a number that can be factored with eleven. A number, that can be factored with eleven in that numerical triangle, should have an odd number of zeros between those two digits.

An odd number is an integer of the form n=2k +1 , where k is an integer. If there exist a positive odd number of zeros between two digits that add to eleven in a number then the number can be factored with eleven.
General formula to find a number N with an odd number zeros between A and B.
Let N be a number.
Let n be an integer greater or equal to 1.
If n is greater or equal to 1 then N=(10^(2n))*A+B is a number with odd number of zeros between A and B.
Eight equations can be written with the general fromula:
To find the factor, modify the N formula:
Let F be a number that is a factor of N.
Let n=0
Let k=1
Eight equations can be written to find the factor:
The value of F is eleven for all eight equations.
Pattern of an Odd Number can be defined by this ratio:
The numerator is defined for n greater or equal to 1.
The denominator is defined for for n=0 and k=1.
The remainder is zero.
we can write this relation below:


Weisstein, Eric W. “Odd Number.” From MathWorld–A Wolfram Web Resource.

Educate to Innovate

The White House has taken interest in promoting math education. President Obama’s "Educate to Innovate" campaign aims to help students become more involved in the sciences and math. The President’s initiative "hopes to do a series of events, announcements and other activities that build upon the President’s ‘call to action’ and address the key components of national priority."


You’re gonna calculate. (And you’re gonna like it, too.)

Maybe for you, your senior year of high school was also going to be the last year of math classes. Ever. After that, it’s free sailing; no calculation required.

But it’s not quite so simple.

Interestingly, even after the bell rings and the teacher dismisses math class, your body is constantly making mathematical calculations and judgments with every moment of every day—years after math classes end. Actually, for life.

Check out this article from Scientific American on the ways your brain functions to compute even the minor things of daily living. In some cases, you wouldn’t know your brain’s doing any math at all. (Maybe you prefer it that way.) The fact remains; math is everywhere around (and in) us.

The Math in YOU

Ever wonder about your sleep patterns?

“How does my body choose when to shut off?”

Mathematicians have uncovered a deeper understanding of the human biological clock by studying the brain. And their findings have reversed previous thinking about body function.

“This is a perfect example of how a mathematical model can make predictions that are completely at odds with the prevailing views yet, upon further experimentation, turn out to be dead-on, ” says Daniel Forger, a mathematician at the University of Michigan.

The findings have implications for a whole new study of human function.

Missed our career list? Here’s another look.

BYU’s Math Department has good reason to draw attention to its study. The public is becoming increasingly aware of just how many doors a math degree can open.

You might have your own reasons for not having visited the ‘careers’ section of this site yet: It’s too long, it lists too many options, or maybe, “A good job really isn’t my thing.”

But if that’s not you and you somehow overlooked that page on the site, here are ten more well-paid professions for math majors, provided by CNN. (Then go check out the big list under ‘careers’ at the top!)